Patrizia d'Ettorre

Professor in Ethology

Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
Laboratoire d'Ethologie Expérimentale et Comparée
93430 Villetaneuse

Phone: +33(0)149403196
Email: d-ettorre(at)

Patrizia d'Ettorre    


  Exceptional Class Professor, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France  
  Senior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF)  
  Full Professor, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France  
  Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark  
  Associate Research Professor, University of Copenhagen  
  Habilitation, University of Regensburg (Germany)  
  Post-doc, University of Regensburg  
  Post-doc, University of Tours (France)  
  Research Associate, University of Pisa (Italy)  
  PhD in Animal Behaviour (Ethology), University of Parma  


since 2014
Director of the Master 2 in Applied Ethology, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord  
since 2011
President/Secretary General of the Institut Francilien d’Ethologie (IFE)  
since 2011

Director of the Teaching Department of Psychophysiology, University Paris 13

since 2010
Vice Director of the Laboratoire d’Ethologie Expérimentale et Comparée, LEEC, University Paris 13  
Director of the PhD school « Ecology and Evolution », University of Copenhagen, Denmark  
Member of the organizing committee and secretary of XVI International Congress of International Union for the Study of Social Insects  
Director of the research program “Information and Recognition”, Centre for Social Evolution, University of Copenhagen  
Director of the Marie Curie Excellence Team CODICES, University of Copenhagen, Denmark  
since 2010
Member of Evaluation Committees for recruitment of three Professors (Univ. Paris 13 (x2), Univ. St. Etienne) and six Associate Professors (Univ. Tours, Univ. Toulouse; Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort, Univ. Paris 13, Univ. Nanterre, Univ. Paris Saclay), France  
since 2009
Expert evaluator for e.g., German National Science Foundation (DFG); Austrian Science Fund (FWF); Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR); National Science Foundation (NSF)  
Member of Scientific Council of the Fyssen Fondation,   
Expert evaluator, European Commission (M. Skłodowska-Curie Actions, ENV Panel)  
since 2005
Member of Evaluation Committees of > 30 PhD theses (Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, South Africa, Australia, UK) and 9 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (France)  
  Peer Reviews for International Journals:  
since 1998
Reviewer for > 30 international journals, e.g.: American Naturalist, Animal Behaviour; Behavioral Ecology, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology; Biology Letters; Current Biology; Ethology; Insectes Sociaux, Insects; Proceeding Royal Society B; PNAS; Science   

Associate Editor of Frontiers Comparative Psychology; Frontiers Chemical Ecology; Frontiers Social Evolution, PLoS ONE (2012-2016), Scientific Reports


Board Member of Journal of Evolutionary Biology (2006-2010); Current Opinion in Insect Science (2015-2020); Insectes Sociaux (2012-present)


GRANTS AND AWARDS                                                                                    

  2020   Clark Way Harrison Visiting Professorship, Washington University in St. Louis, USA  
  2018-2023   Named Senior Member of Institut Universitaire de France
(IUF, )
  2017-2020   Partner (PI of Paris 13 team), French National Research Agency (ANR) Grant: SOCIODEV, Understanding social evolution through the study of embryogenesis in ants  
  2015-2019   Chaire d’Attractivité, Award from Toulouse University, Excellence Program ‘Idex’   

French National Research Agency (ANR) Grant PHEROMOD, Pheromones as modulators of insect behavior (Coordinator of the project)

  2012-2016   Partner (PI for University Paris 13) of the EU Marie Curie Actions, International Research Staff Exchange Scheme Grant: IBIAL, Integrative Biology of insects affecting human life  
  2010-2013   Marie Curie Reintegration Grant, Identity Code,University of Paris 13, France  
  2008-2011   Freia Grant, University of Copenhagen, Denmark    
  2005-2009   Marie Curie Excellence Grant (predecessor of ERC Starting Grant), CODICES, Chemical cOmmunication coDes of InseCt societies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark  
  2004-2006   Habilitationsstipendium, University of Regensburg, Germany   
  2003-2005   DFG Grant (German Research Foundation) including the salary for a PhD student   
  2001-2003   Post-doc grant of the EU Research Training network INSECTS, University of Regensburg  
  2000-2001   Fellowship Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) for research abroad (IRBI, France)  
  1998-2000   Individual Marie Curie Fellowship (FP7), University of Tours, France  

PUBLICATIONS (Google scholar profile)